Bizarre End To The Trump Criminal Prosecution

  • By now you may have almost forgotten that, back on May 30, Donald Trump was convicted by a New York jury on 34 supposedly felony counts of “falsifying business records.”

  • In the time since, the judge in the case, Juan Merchan, has occupied himself with denying various post-trial motions and with postponing the sentencing several times. Yesterday, Acting Justice Merchan issued an Order which, besides denying several of the outstanding motions, also scheduled sentencing for next Friday, January 10 — thus just over a week in advance of President-elect Trump’s second inauguration.

  • This Order is one of the most bizarre documents I have ever seen to issue from a court.

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New York On The March To Climate Utopia

New York On The March To Climate Utopia
  • In a post a couple of weeks ago on December 21, I observed that the country of Germany appeared to have won the race among all countries and states to be the first to hit the “Green Energy Wall.” Its pursuit of the “renewable” wind and solar electricity fantasy has put it in a spot where regular wind/sun droughts cause huge electricity price spikes, and major industries have become uncompetitive. It has no solution to its dead end, and can go no farther.

  • If Germany has “hit the wall,” what is the appropriate analogy for New York?

  • New York passed its Climate Act with great fanfare in 2019. The Act orders that we are to have a “net zero” energy system by 2050, with interim deadlines along the way. The first serious deadline arrives in 2030, where the official mandate is 70% of electricity generation from “renewables” (aka “70 x 30”). That deadline is now just five years away. Within the past year, all the efforts to move toward the 70 x 30 goal are falling apart, as anybody who had given the subject any critical thought knew that they inevitably would. But nobody in authority has yet been willing to acknowledge that this has turned into a farce.

  • Here’s my analogy: New York is like the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote, who has run off the cliff and is now suspended in mid-air, apparently not knowing what will happen next.

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From The Director Of Net Zero Watch

  • Net Zero Watch is an affiliate of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the UK’s leading climate-skeptic think tank. (Another affiliate of the Global Warming Policy Foundation is the American Friends of the GWPF, the organization of which I am the President and a board member.).

  • The specialty of Net Zero Watch is poking holes in the UK’s insane pursuit of Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions. The Director of NZW is Andrew Montford.

  • A few days ago (December 23), Montford issued a brief end of year statement that gives a good summary of where we are now in the climate wars.

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End Of Year World Socialism Round-Up: Cuba, China, Venezuela

  • For obvious reasons, our legacy media have very limited interest in reporting regularly on economic news from the various socialist/communist paradises around the world. So if you want to learn the latest, best to turn to the Manhattan Contrarian.

  • Needless to say, all the economic news from these places is bad.

  • If you think that Bidenomics has been bad for America, you really need to look at the destruction that serious socialism can bring to a country when given a chance.

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More Reasons For Cautious Optimism About The Demise Of The Green Energy Fantasy

  • My post on Saturday noted one big reason for optimism that the green energy fantasy is coming to the end of its run: the first country, Germany, has apparently begun to hit the green energy “wall.”

  • Although Germany has never consistently reached even 50% of its electricity production from wind and solar, its ability to continue its green energy dreams has stalled: its electricity prices have soared, its manufacturing sector has been seriously undermined, its economy is in recession, and recently its green-promoting government has fallen. Its failed example now stands for others to see and avoid.

  • And as I look around at developments since the election, I see a number of other reasons to reinforce my cautious optimism.

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Cautious Optimism On The Demise Of The Green Energy Fantasy

Cautious Optimism On The Demise Of The Green Energy Fantasy
  • It has been obvious now for many years to the numerate that the fantasy future powered by wind and sun is not going to happen. Sooner or later, reality will inevitably intrude.

  • And yet, the fantasy has gone on for far longer than I ever would have thought possible. Hundreds of billions of dollars of government largesse have been a big part of the reason, going not just to green energy developers but also to academic charlatans and environmental NGOs to fan the flames of climate alarm.

  • It was three years ago, in December 2021, that I asked the question, “Which Country Or U.S. State Will Be The First To Hit The Green Energy Wall?”

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